Not even half an hour ago Governor Mick Rorry personally received a note demanding that he hand the Whopper recipe or Burger King will never see its infamous Cardboard crowns again. The Govenor was at his vacation house on Orange Lago Ln next over by Kings Crossing when he receved the letter. He spoke directly to the Starr County Review.
"This is a sad day for all of us. All y'all can not let these terrorists 'all hat, no cattle' us. This is what they want from us. They want to start mass panic and take over capitalism. This is the work of Commies! They are spreading the commie agenda, forcing us to succeed from our capitalist and oil-loving ways. We will not give up!"
Children all over Texas are panicking as they can no longer get their beloved Burger King crowns. People on eBay have started re-selling their crowns in the madness as the commodity has become even more desired by children state-wide. We interviewed a local 3rd grader Nathaniel "Nate" who attends Tolstoryz Elementary about the situation. "I asked Santa to bring me a crown this Christmas. I thought it was best to mail in my letter before the season." Parents say that the crown prices are "outrages", and are calling the situation the Beanie Baby of Gen Z.
His uplifting speech has moved him back into the popular view after his failed attempt to run as the Republican nominee for the upcoming election. After the speech, he stated that he might attempt to run again in 2016. Staying on the topic of elections, the governor has fully endorsed Mitt Romney for president, and stated to us "Burger King, and America would be better off with a man like Romney in the saddle." As we inch closer to election day endorsements like this can make or break Romney's candidacy. The last polling shows that Obama is still ahead, but by only 7%, with each day that passes Romney's popularity goes up decently, compared to last week when he was at 43% he is now at 45%.